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About Us

I’m Mads and I’ve been running Bad Times Designs since 2020. BTD was a lockdown hobby that turned into a business because I'm neurodivergent can’t sit still!


We started off as Lil Leafy Shop and had a small collection of polymer clay earrings. I’ll be the first to admit they weren’t great, but they helped to get my creativity flowing. I tried (and failed) many styles and techniques over the years and eventually curated the gothic and alternative collections we have today. I've been running this shop full time since July 2022 which has been a struggle at times (especially with the current state of the economy) but I've loved every second.


BTD is a safe space for LGBTQI+ individuals. I myself am a queer woman and have always believed that fashion shouldn’t be gendered. We don’t cater to a specific demographic, instead we encourage people of all ages, genders and walks of life to wear what they want to wear. If that happens to be our accessories then we’re super happy!


3 random facts about me: I still play the Sims 3, I love escape rooms and I can name every country in the world. I also have a gaming youtube channel for Cities: Skylines content!


Our values

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Since I was a very young child, my moral compass has guided much of what I do. Bad Times Designs is an extension of myself so my morals and ethics apply just as much in my shop as they do in my personal life. I am a self employed autistic LGBTQ+ woman so many aspects of my life are politicised, but my values do not end with things that affect me personally. I have a platform and I feel it is my duty to use this platform to share education about real life issues, spread awareness about harmful political movements and raise funds for various charities. In 2021 I donated over £400 to Victim Support following the murder of Sarah Everard and subsequent violence from police at the Clapham Common vigil, and over £150 to Stonewall Housing for pride month. I am currently donating 10% of the proceeds from orders each month to Medical Aid for Palestinians each month. There is always more I could be doing as learning and activism never stops, but I try my hardest with the resources I have.


If you don't agree with these values, you do not need to shop with us. I would much rather have a small audience of morally aligned people than compromise on my beliefs and appeal to the masses. As a small cog in the capitalism machine, I believe this is the most ethical way to conduct my business. If you have any questions about my values, feel free to drop us an email or DM!

This has been written in the first person as I (Mads) am the founder and only employee of Bad Times Designs. While it is Bad Times is a brand, it is a a raw expression of my soul and my creativity.



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